sábado, 29 de maio de 2010

explanation of vegetarianism.

Be vegetarian, any type of it, isn't only don't eat meet, incluind fish, it is a life style.

we all don't eat meat and fish, but depending on the types theres things that one eat and the other don't, but we all don't used also things that were tested in animals, and we are agasnt dogs show and oder form of violence against the animals, like train them to do someting they are supost to or even kill them for sport or for eat.

The types of vegetarians are:

  • ovolacto-vegetarians , this type eat eggs, dary products, honey, fruit and vegetebals.

  • ovo-vegetarians, this type eat egss, honey, fruit and vegetebals.

  • lacto-vegetarians, this type eat dary products, honey, fruit and vegetebals.

  • vegans, this type eat fruit and vegetebals.

  • frutists, this type eat only fruit.

  • macrobiotics, this type eat only brown rice.

As you can see we don't only eat salads, what we eat is not only dependent from the fact that we are vegetarians, but the type we are.

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