domingo, 4 de julho de 2010

famous vegetarians

Theres a lot of famous that are vegetarians.

In the fallowing vids you will be able to see some of them.

sábado, 3 de julho de 2010

advantages of vegetarianism.

Advantages of vegetarianism.

For who is asking about a writed the title in gree, not only because is a title, but also because green is the coler whose represent the vegetarians.

Be vegetarian have a lot of advantages like:

  • we are lese likely to certain desises like heart atacks.

  • as a teenager we have lesse change of having acne.

  • we live longer and hapiest lifes.

  • we are protected agains the natural agening process of the skin, because that is cause by some particals in the atmosfere a diet based in fruit and vegetebals predict that. And what diet is more based in fruit and vegetebals than a vegetarian diet?
  • is more ecological.
  • is more healphy.
  • is more ethica.
  • And so on.

sábado, 29 de maio de 2010

explanation of vegetarianism.

Be vegetarian, any type of it, isn't only don't eat meet, incluind fish, it is a life style.

we all don't eat meat and fish, but depending on the types theres things that one eat and the other don't, but we all don't used also things that were tested in animals, and we are agasnt dogs show and oder form of violence against the animals, like train them to do someting they are supost to or even kill them for sport or for eat.

The types of vegetarians are:

  • ovolacto-vegetarians , this type eat eggs, dary products, honey, fruit and vegetebals.

  • ovo-vegetarians, this type eat egss, honey, fruit and vegetebals.

  • lacto-vegetarians, this type eat dary products, honey, fruit and vegetebals.

  • vegans, this type eat fruit and vegetebals.

  • frutists, this type eat only fruit.

  • macrobiotics, this type eat only brown rice.

As you can see we don't only eat salads, what we eat is not only dependent from the fact that we are vegetarians, but the type we are.


Hi, my name is Sandra, I am 18 and I am a vegetarian (vegan). Even knowing that I am not the only vegetarian in the wole world, some times it seems like, I don't know, personaly, any other vegetarian, my family and my friends eat meet. So I have this crazy idea, I did this blog to find, or try to, other vegetarians, and to tell to the non vegetarians what we really are and to make them understand that they are wrong about what can happen to vegetarians.

Questions like the one from the cartoon should exit, so the anwser to that and others questions just like that, can be found in this blog.